Friday's, we blog.

If you saw last week’s post you will know that I have been blogging since 2006.

I studied Multimedia at UBC and learned about blogging and how it was becoming monitized from a fab instructor in a class called Beyond the Black Box. I have to admit that I took the class because I thought it was going to be a bird course. Boy was I wrong, it was one of the toughest courses over my three year degree. (I sped things up by taking courses at night).

Our professor made us research and do presentations on the movers and the shakers of the time and even noted that we would eventually be walking around with a digital ‘world’ in our pockets.

We all kinda thought they were crazy but here we are, so not so crazy afterall.

I just really think about that sometimes, the times when someone introduced a concept to me that. I thought was too far fetched to grasp and later became mainstream.

We are surrounded by a million ideas every single day, some of them even float into our own thoughts, most are external and often we just scroll by.

What are people going to look back on from this era? Other than climate change, war, inflation and political unrest what do we have that has moved us forward? The first person to say TikTok is outta here!

I’m serious, I would love to know your thoughts because this is something I consider often and other than really learning the value of human connection over the past five years I can’t really put my finger on a personal learning that has influenced me so much.

Can you?

Free Admission, my up-cycled denim line in studio and in print.

Huge thanks to Roll Up Magazine Issue #28 Volume 3 for printing this spread of my images in the studio.

We had a great team to pull this shoot together and without them, none of this would be possible.

Samantha Tran -design assist and stylist

Vincent MUA

Henry Model

Gio Model

Jayda Model

Ryan Model

Hannah Model

Studio Doris Land

This line is constructed of Levi’s I picked up from a thrift store in the Summer of 2022. 100 pairs for $1 each. I did embroider some and silk screened on others and when my hands got sore I started to pull them apart and figure out how to make other pieces of clothing out of them. I mined a heap of patterns from Pinterest, printed them, pieced them together and then started to cut and sew the denim. I broke many needles and stabbed myself many times with pins and when I was at a loss as to how to make something I had an idea for Samantha was there to help. I have so much gratitude for everyone who helped me bring this to life.

A collection of 18 outfits hit the runway on May 21, and it was a blast.

Danielle Outside for Beautica Magazine.

Shot on location, before the winter weather got crazy, featured in the Winter Issue of Beautica Magazine #10, the Beauty Edition.

Model is Danielle with Alaeria Agency.

Wardrobe, creative direction and photography, yours truly.

My stickers made it to Europe!

A wonderful fan took a stack of my stickers to Europe on her vacation and put them everywhere.

Then they took photos, printed them and gave them to me. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

Thank you Marilyn, you are one of a kind.

Lot 19 Market, August 18, swing by and say Hi!

Hello, how is everyone doing during these crazy weather days?

I never thought I would be a part of the market circuit but guess what, I am and it is all happening so easily that I have decided to roll with it for a while.

I will be at the Lot 19 Market on Thursday, August 18th all day long, swing by and say Hi.

Lot 19 is located at 855 West Hastings Street. There will be a heap of local artists, so feel free to swing by to say Hi.

I will have my up-cycled clothing and denim featuring my designs and embroidery along with stickers and buttons.

Product photography.

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Barter Design and Stooludio.

I have been venturing into creating product photography and shooting e-comm and I am thrilled with the results.

Stay tuned to my Instagram feed for my posts featuring these images. I am working on a website update too.