Friday's, we blog.

If you saw last week’s post you will know that I have been blogging since 2006.

I studied Multimedia at UBC and learned about blogging and how it was becoming monitized from a fab instructor in a class called Beyond the Black Box. I have to admit that I took the class because I thought it was going to be a bird course. Boy was I wrong, it was one of the toughest courses over my three year degree. (I sped things up by taking courses at night).

Our professor made us research and do presentations on the movers and the shakers of the time and even noted that we would eventually be walking around with a digital ‘world’ in our pockets.

We all kinda thought they were crazy but here we are, so not so crazy afterall.

I just really think about that sometimes, the times when someone introduced a concept to me that. I thought was too far fetched to grasp and later became mainstream.

We are surrounded by a million ideas every single day, some of them even float into our own thoughts, most are external and often we just scroll by.

What are people going to look back on from this era? Other than climate change, war, inflation and political unrest what do we have that has moved us forward? The first person to say TikTok is outta here!

I’m serious, I would love to know your thoughts because this is something I consider often and other than really learning the value of human connection over the past five years I can’t really put my finger on a personal learning that has influenced me so much.

Can you?

I found my old blog and wanted to share. Welcome to 2006 Me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 04:12PM

 Freakin awesome.  Got fired last week and haven't written in ever.  Will be back soon.  In the meantime enjoy.  BECK

Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 01:07PM

When you embark on a new journey, begin to walk down a different road people are always there to tell you how hard its going to be ? !

Only those who have courage and have maybe walked down an unfamiliar road once before wish you well and encourage you. These people are very far and few between.

What is it about the human condition that believes we need to do the same thing, stay in the same place, be with the same people, work the same job, pursue the same goals, even if nothing is working, day after day, that lets us believe we are living?

Even the most committed and in debted person can make a change in their lives, begin living in a different way, grow and see things from a different perspective. Push past the barriers and see something they have never seen or done that one thing they have never done but always made a quest for.

It disappoints me on a daily basis to hear the conundrum of people wrapped up in what they believe is a life less ordinary and all they have to do is talk about that fact.

When will it occur to them that they are the ones who can make the change ? !

Every road travelled alone or otherwise brings you to a place you have not been.

And from where you are planted you will grow and as the seasons change and as the tide ebbs and flows you grow more.

But this growth only occurs when you are living the life you want.

This is who I am, what I do, and where I am going.

To grow. 

Sunday, April 9, 2006 at 12:22PM

Here I am up to my eyes in 2 gig of pics from my vacation, San Francisco is an incredible place. If you are considering going anywhere I would check it out just for the sheer joy of actually having fun on your vacation because your in such a cool place.

I need to take issue with the strange idea that was presented to me by some friends while I was in the US.

Canadian's do drink beer, yes we drink a lot of beer, most of the consumption in North America happens in this fine country I am so very proud to call home. BUT there is one distinction the advertisers are making that is simply NOT TRUE.


In fact we do not drink it so much that the plant here in Vancouver is being torn down and made into a new condo development for the population boom that has seem to taken on a form of its own since 2010 was announced.

They in fact force us to drink it by serving it at events like football games, concerts, hockey games and the like. So you see dear American friends who asked if we did drink it, NO we don't, they in fact force us to by not allowing us to bring our own preferred beverage of choice to events by searching us at the door, bag and all, smiling and handing you a plastic cup of what we would never spend money on if we were not at said events.

Just like our neighbours to the south we visit the store and pick our favorite brand or what ever might tickle our fancy that day. It may be an import, domestic or micro brew who knows but the selection of MOLSON at the liquor store (government controlled sales due to large consumption and the money they make by making it a controlled supplied substance) is next to none.

It just doesn't sell.

I'm sure neither would the idea that everyone in San Francisco consumes Rice A Roni? The San Franciso Treat :)Thursday, March 16, 2006 at 07:52AM

I'm off on Monday for a two week vacation in.... San Francisco.

But first I'm working Spring Fling @ Arts Umbrella, which means I have two more days and 80 kids ages 6-12 to show animation and website building too.

This will be the most earned vacation I've ever taken.

I wish I could have gone to Austin last week...

Much fun was had @ SXSW

I'm off to my first 40 kids, have a good one.

Sunday, March 5, 2006 at 01:57PM

4 years ago I was in the VI surfing, working as a kayak guide, open water life guard and diving....

I miss those days; sometimes a lot.

I'm travelling to see some of the friends I made during that time this March, I can't wait.

In the meantime I will enjoy flickr and all the wonderful talent that hosts their photos there.

Friday, March 3, 2006 at 09:59AM

Check out these brushes and what you can do with them. Neat!

Thanks Jason

Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 09:20AM

 I somehow yesterday found it in myself to ask someone if 'they would like to hang out sometime'.

The result was a shrug and a 'yeah sure'.This someone is a guy at Arts Umbrella who I see often and we have chatted a bit before. I asked a co-worker about him and his stats are great, so I made the move. We do not work one on one just in the same wing of the building and only for about 30 minutes on Wednesdays. No harm no foul.

What I felt like afterwards was embarassed and like I had just put a giant mozza ball out there to 'hang out' instead.

What I am faced with is the want but am surrounded by all of these friends who are in relationships that provide me a constant pressure to be a part of one yet all I really hear is them complain. I hear no positive. How can this really be?

At this point I want to scream out and say what are you complaining about.... my life might look like candy and you may be envious but take a good long look at what you have and be thankful, I sure as hell would.I may die an old woman without any friends... but can somebody tell me why we always think the grass is greener?

This is my roommate Ben that I guided with in the USVI. The grass was never greener for him and I really liked that about him.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 09:14PM

    Inspired by an interview I heard recently on the CBC....

I saw a man today laying on a wall near the river. His face was very red and he was balanced in such a way that a strong wind would have pushed him over. The sun was strong and he was wearing a winter jacket.

He was homeless. 

I was coming from Arts Umbrella after an interview for an instructors position for a Painting and Drawing class, Sundays 9-12 year olds. This is my curriculum that I proposed. I feel good about having the interview experience and will keep you posted as to my standing.

There has been a lot in my life lately that I am very thankful for, I've made a lot of progress. Teaching the class @ Arts Umbrella would be icing, I would be moving from being an assistant to an actual instructor. With all of the positive and prospective things I have in my life right now it would be easy to get giddy with excitement and lose all perspective.

It made me really think about the homeless man I saw today and how I wanted to take his photo. This is something that would benefit only me unless I offered an exchange. I walked by and took a mental picture instead. Sometimes a camera shouldn't hide our faces, sometimes we should just use our eyes to see. 

While Holligan Swims away I've been working away 

Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 08:25AM

 I have booked a vacation to San Francisco, bought a used laptop and customized it, worked some extra shifts @ Arts Umbrella and did lots of prep for my business plan not to mention housework and cooking. Whew...

Saturday, February 18, 2006 at 05:18PM

Why is it that a 'multimedia artist' job is advertised they want a programmer....

 Last time I checked programmers were not artists and artists are not programmers....

This freakin pisses me off and has kept me out of the full time high tech job market for the past year.

I don't know css, html, java, php or myob for that matter.

What the fa has happened to the design world that all creaters must know back end stuff in order to function in this tech world?

Squarespace, I thank you for making blogging simple, easy ,and stylized. Way cool.

I'm over this, next time one of these tech companies posts a job like this I'm going to direct them to the possibility that they need TWO people and not one super human that knows absolutely everything there is to know about everything.

Pay for the talent you need and are going to get rather than trying to squeeze every last dollar out of someone who will eat drink sleep and hate the job they will have because it will consume every last molecule of their brain and being.

Last time I checked this is what is referred to as a monopoly. (economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller; "a monopoly on silver"; "when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like" 

Well let me be the first to stand up and say this shit has to stop.


Monday, February 13, 2006 at 07:30PM

My Nanny is paddling, my mom is the passenger, circa 1950. 

Its been a year and a half, and its yesterday, I read George's blog today and felt each part strike a chord in my own memory bank. Good bye Nan, I love you, your with me always in every way. 

 Sunday, February 5, 2006 at 01:31PM

super bowl sunday that is...

I enjoy all of the new commercials.

I went to see this flick last night Memoirs of a Geisha, incredible, but I've never read the book I wonder if the ending was really this happy ?

Its Sunday and I contemplate my mental exhaustion and curiosity about love. The sun is out and I'm feeling pretty fine.

Update on Sunday, February 5, 2006 at 01:36PM by  deanna m flinn photography 

 Posted  by  deanna m flinn photography    | Post a Comment  

Brain Jungen Opening @ the VAG 

Saturday, February 4, 2006 at 01:59PM  It was exciting, I went alone which sounds odd but was good. Its good to navagate the crowds alone and see what I wanted at the speed I wanted. He's an amazing artist, flying in the face of several issues that strike many cords on many levels. It was an experience I'm glad to have had. Check out my camera phone pics, not much like being there but I wanted to capture what I saw and luckily the crowds were such that I didn't get caught.

 Posted  by  deanna m flinn photography    | Post a Comment  

100 more things 

Friday, February 3, 2006 at 11:03AM

I haven't owned a TV in almost 9 years

I go to the gym, for ladies only about 4xs a week

 I hate being bored

 I need to be intellectually stimulated

 I read Andrea (Superhero) and Heather (Dooce) everyday

I really really want a dog, a male Weim, and will name him Tripp

I want a simple life I like the life I am creating for myself right now

I am on my way to much success

I talk with a psychologist once a month who also practices chinese medicine and acupuncture (he has a Ph.D. in psych)

I check out my butt and bod in the mirror, checking just to see what others were to see, if I was so lucky

I collect things that I can use to create art

Michael Chambers, Stephen Waddell are photographers that I really like

I've always wanted a university degree, I will get one some day

Sometimes I get homesick

I forgive my mom, I've done some nasty things to

My landlord is the best ever and a distant relative of weird al yankovitch

I like laying in the sand under the sun at the beach and how it makes me feel, swimming in the sea with turtles too

I am a bit of a wandering soul but have been practicing stability

I want to live the life I see for myself inside my head

I believe everything happens for a reason

I miss my Dad sometimes but he doesn't keep in touch and this puzzles me

I like shopping for exactly what I'm going there for and that's that

I use the internet as an escape sometimes

I don't use the internet as the tool it is meant to be sometimes

I like sex....

I have surfed porn, sometimes just for my own excitement

I have snorkeled with sea turtles, and grabbed them and let them pull me

A dolphin swam under my kayak one day while I was guiding, its name was splash, I swam with her one time too, she would not let me catch her or touch her

I have completed a certificate program in multimedia,

I have been in photography for 10+ years

I am divorced

I like men but they puzzle me

I have spent 3.5 years traveling the caribbean

I think I'm always right, most times

I went to a private school, they filmed 'children of a lesser god' while I was attending

My grandmother understood all of our family politics, when she died all hell broke loose, I really miss her

I don't want my hair to go grey, its a bit now, but I'm scared of looking old

I really like to eat a muffin in the morning, when I get to work

I bring my lunch everyday

I have slept with ? people, and am STD free

I have a sex toy

I still like to sleep in undies and a t shirt

I didn't have my own bed until I was 12, I slept with my mom and my sister some times too

Sometimes I can get really lonely

I observe people all the time

I think nudity in the change room at the gym and at the pool is disgusting

I know men look at all women and fantasize all the time, its a fact of life

I used to steal my mom's camera and take photos of everything when I was 12, my parents bought me my own camera

 eventually, I believe I will find my soul mate

I want to have kids

I like thong underwear sometimes

I like to look good I wear makeup only when the mood strikes me

I like designer clothing but will only buy it second-hand or really cheap

I have a lot of technical equipment, I have been using computers since grade 6

I got hysterical when my dog snuggles died in grade 10

my mom sometimes paid more attention to her cat than me

I like a very comfortable bed, I like to sleep well in it, and for very long periods of time

I can be a bitch

I have told a lie or two in my day

I have a NY snow globe with the twin towers in it, it was a gift for pet sitting

my ex moved out in one day, he's bipolar

I admire some people

I wonder why ladies stare at me at the gym, while exercising...?

I only wash my hair twice a week

I like doing laundry, if you don't have anything else you have to have clean clothes, I grew up poor and my mom always told me this

I am afraid to try new things, sometimes

I want a black 4 door jetta

one day I want to live in a condo, I buy, with the dog of my choice, Tripp

 I am nice to couriers and delivery guys

Guys fall in love with me before I get a chance to fall in love with them

I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are incredible

I would recommend everyone doing these lists, every once in a while

I avoid commitment

I like christmas

My favorite time of year is Easter

My favorite color is blue

My favorite number is 11

I only wear sensible shoes, I have flat feet and bunions

Its hard for me to talk about my feelings some times, I'll find silly ways to indicate a problem and blow it out of proportion instead

I like driving by myself and listening to my own music very loud

I like things that are familiar

I'm confused about the current plague that exists in my generation when it comes to failing relationships

I believe in holistic medicine,

I have acupuncture once a month

I love the outdoors, and feel the best when I am outside

I don't own a car and walk every where

I used to pretend soap opera family's were my family, I would fantasize and put myself into the show

I have a second voice that talks me to sleep some times, I don't even know I'm doing it...

I sucked my thumb till I was in my 20's, paid for my own braces-in my 20's, and didn't give up my security blanket -the woob-until I was almost 30, it still calls to me now

I have taken some pretty silly chances and risks, but believe life is about learning

I didn't have a cell phone until about a year ago

I find it hard to start things on my own, but also find it hard to be encouraged to do it

I don't go to bars or drink very much

I don't believe in using the internet to find a soul mate, the universe will provide

I don't believe in plastic surgery or boob jobs, I've thought about what it would do to my body, but could find better things to do with that much money

I sit around and do nothing sometimes

I watch movies...a lot

I like writing these lists and getting to know myself more

I like Tim Horton's (hormones)

Just before a big change is about to happen I feel the need to retreat to home,

I don't know about the change, but know it is coming by the feeling of wanting to retreat

Update on Friday, February 3, 2006 at 11:18AM by  deanna m flinn photography 

 Posted  by  deanna m flinn photography   in 100 things   | Post a Comment  

100 things 

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 11:06AM

I love dogs

 I love taking photos

 I can create any form of art 

 I have been hiding in my job for a while

 I am tall

 I am fit

 I am afraid of growing old and getting fat

 I like music

 I like silence too

 I want to eat candy every day

 I spend a lot of time looking at images, and never tire of it

 I like to read, but sometimes don't understand what I have read

 I am pigheaded and can be stubborn

 I am from a broken home and want to create one that won't break

 I am afraid of my own success

 I love steak

 I like being organized and in a routine

 I like surprises

 I like who I am

 I want to go to newfoundland

 I like the barenaked ladies, radiohead, cake, hatch, coldplay, CBC, finkleman's 45's, radio paradise and my personal music collection

 I get what I want

 people like me but often I am afraid of trusting them

 I have grey hair

 I am afraid of looking like my mother when I am old

 I fear losing my teeth

 I want to live and work from the sanctity of my home

 I want to be surrounded by friends

 I do like cats but am allergic

 I know how to sail a boat 

 I like to read Lesley Choyce

 I don't think Einstein was a communist

 Bush can go to hell

 This Hour has 22 Min is one of the best shows ever

 I love the ocean

 I only buy fashion magazines once a year, when they are thick and cheap-in the fall-to see what is new in fashion photography

 I like to read weblogs

 I miss my hometown

 I miss my father, and the lost childhood I had without him

 I miss my grandmother

 I like the snow and christmas

 I like my hair and skin

 I feel very lucky

 Most times I feel very confident

 I have thought about driving off into the sunset with my love but don't know who that is yet

 I don't believe in wasting things, anything

 I buy second hand clothes and new ones only on sale and out of season

 ebay can be fun

 I don't believe in god but definitely some cosmic unexplained force

 I want to travel to Ireland, Hawaii, Alaska, South Asia, and tour Europe with a backpack and a map

 I love traveling alone

 I can be by myself for days on end and love it

 I want peace

 I am very happy

 I sometimes get lost in too many words and don't communicate well enough

 I love doing things for others that make them happy

 I'm not sure how I feel about my Mother

 I miss my aunt ruby

 I want to visit all of the friends I have all over the globe

 I don't want to be afraid to speak my mind

 I often don't finish things

 I am a good multi tasker

 I like shopping in drug stores for stuff for me

 I want to be recognized as an artist

 I want my freckles removed

 I wish I didn't have hair in some of the places that I do

 I have always been envious of my sister

 I like to sit and relax with a cup of tea or coffee

 I like movies a lot

 I miss my childhood

 I don't regret anything I have ever done

 I have been in two near death sailing experiences

 I saved a wooden boat that sank once I saved it

 I sold all of my worldly poessions and left the country with no idea of when I was going to return or how I would survive

 I believe most people are weird

 I want to have a place by the sea with my love and my dog at my feet

 I sometimes hate being told what to do

 I have trouble maintaining consistency in what I do

 I like donair's and real pepperoni

 I have met a lot of people from all over the world

 I have built a wooden stitch and glue kayak that comes apart in 3 pieces

 I have collected only things and furnishings I want to have forever

 I envy people

 I hate not doing things perfectly

 I have no control over my emotions some times

 I miss mrs. tarr, the first person I ever saw dead and her dog snoopy that wore a crop circle in the back yard but would not bark when I walked by

 I seek the approval of others

 Sometimes I can't get out of my own way

 I have an amazon wish list, I love books

 Its hard for me to commit

 I believe in the universe providing what ever you need when ever you need it

 I'm sad that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston couldn't make it last and I know that sounds very silly

 I want to travel more

 Its hard for me to settle but I am learning how to provide myself with stability

 Its also hard for me to believe in myself and my abilities

 I watch the comings and goings of the dogs going to the vets across the street from work all the time

 I believe in fait and karma

 I miss my friend greg, he gave me the best hug and most needed ever

 I miss holly drive school

 I am a very curious individual

Update on Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 05:29PM by  deanna m flinn photography 

Where I used to blog

 Posted  by  deanna m flinn photography   in 100 things   | Post a Comment  

 displaying entries 21-25 of 25     previous page  |  next page

Seaside Kate for Moevir Magazine.

Kate with Model Made joined me for a beach shoot on a sunny hot afternoon.

The dresses I used were found in the lane, Kate did her own hair and makeup and the birds flew into the frame on cue.

You can find this editorial printed in the September Issue #42 of Moevir Magazine.

Sebastian and Bahar for Moevir Magazine, Sanctuary.

I love working with people who love what they do. Sebastian and Bahar are my kind of people because they do, they love what they do. This spread was shot at my favourite studio Doris Land. I recently learned that the studio is named after the grandmother of the fabulous human who runs it for us. Thanks for making it such a sanctuary for us Alex.

I am a bit jittery because I am excited to share this post, I am writing it on my Birthday and will publish it later this month. It’s so special to me, they are both one’s to watch so please do.

Get your copy of the mag here

Special thanks and shout out to Amrit at Model Made, he makes all this possible.

Meghan G in studio for Off Town Mag Issue #29 Vol 5

Spent a Sunday with a wonderful new model from Alaeria Agency, Meghan.

Thanks to Off Town Magazine for publishing the editorial in Issue #29 Vol 5, grab your copy here.