Uncool Mom at home with Milo published in ROIDOX Mag.

Shot at home with her very own wardrobe Lily and I made some magic and got it published in ROIDOX Mag. We featured her brand new kitty Milo who I pulled a few feet of string from as he was playing around our feet during the shoot.

Capture 2022 with Beau photo, Closer.


Join us for a photo walk and investigate the details around you. Try lenses from the rental department with the digital group, or a roll of ILFORD film for your camera with the analogue crowd. Each group will walk from Beau, and for about 90 mins, observe our surroundings and photograph the details that interest us. We will be available to give you shooting tips and to provide inspiration. Even being able to have everyone participating together brings us all closer. After the official walk, you can continue on your own to explore the things and people you want to keep close to.

Each photographer will have one image selected for printing on ILFORD Gallerie paper that will be displayed in an exhibition at the shop.

Space is limited to 10 people per group so we will select 10 participants for the digital group and 10 for the film group by lottery. Walks will follow all provincial health orders in place at the time of the event and the format of the walk may need to be adjusted according to the current guidelines.

The exhibition will be on view in the Beau Photo gallery space from April 24 to May 28, 2022.

We will also publish an online gallery in this space with more of the images from the walks.

Register here: https://www.beauphoto.com/closer/

I was on my own after winning a spot in the analogue lottery. I choose a roll of 120 mm film and choose to photograph those I want to get closer to. Connections I want to cement, to get closer. Not in a romantic way, in a way that creates an authentic connection.

The image that was selected is the first one on the roll. I hope to see you at the show.

Stickers! From sticker Canada.

#StickerCanada reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in a collaboration.

Of course!

Their correspondence was quick, effective and easy. I ordered some 2”x2” square Art Paper Stickers (Uncoated). I choose the illustration I did because I wanted to print it square. I had previously done it as a circle, I like the square better. I like the texture of these stickers and would not hesitate to order more.

Thank you, Sticker Canada for reaching out and for the amazing collaboration. I look forward to using you again in the future for all of my sticker needs.

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Magic, murals and answers to questions are here.

Contain Yourself with Lumiere at Jim Deva Plaza created by the West End BIA. This mural was created in partnership with Deanna Flinn and Ashley Guindon. It was painted November 21 and is ready for you to stand next too, let it all out and snap a selfie too.

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