Back in the saddle.

Taking a much different approach considering our current restrictions and working safely while incorporating my creative aspirations. Creating an editorial at a safe social distance with the model doing her own makeup. Working entirely outside, changing in dark corners and finding the light that we can make work while adding the portable set up I had with me.

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I rented a studio

I rented a studio and worked with some models and natural light to begin my new year and set the tone for my big goals. I found this spot on This Open Space and I highly recommend using the site to find a studio rental.

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Hello 2021, happy to be here

Hello 2021 welcome, Free Admission Photography is glad to see you. We are looking forward to making art with you this year and building our community too.

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Magic, murals and answers to questions are here.

Contain Yourself with Lumiere at Jim Deva Plaza created by the West End BIA. This mural was created in partnership with Deanna Flinn and Ashley Guindon. It was painted November 21 and is ready for you to stand next too, let it all out and snap a selfie too.

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A published editorial and evolution.

I have had several editorials published in fashion magazines and this time I thought I would combine my fashion images with my illustrations for submission to SKYE Magazine

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