Mural self promo video.

So I have been working on going big with my drawings for the past few years. I wanted to wrap up all of that work in one video, so I did.

I would love to know what you think. It took me a minute to collect all of the footage and again more minutes to cut it together.

It has been a wild ride and I am honestly grateful for the pause COVID gave me because that pause gave me a re-set that I needed and it gave me the opportunity to realize that I can go big with my work and it gave me a whole new community too.


Magic, murals and answers to questions are here.

Contain Yourself with Lumiere at Jim Deva Plaza created by the West End BIA. This mural was created in partnership with Deanna Flinn and Ashley Guindon. It was painted November 21 and is ready for you to stand next too, let it all out and snap a selfie too.

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An interview and an interactive public mural.

Contain yourself for Lumiere 2020 with Ashley Guindon featuring 4 of the West End BIA members painted in Jim Deva Square. It will be there until December 20th, go interact with it and let your feelings out, just like the faces in the mural.

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