Creating a mural with Lumiere.

Can someone pinch me?

I am working with a fabulous team at Lumiere to create an interactive mural at Jim Deva Plaza.

We paint on November 21, come by and say Hi. We would love to see you.

So this has been a really strange time for everyone and today we finally get to exhale.

Some really crazy great things have come out of this time, are you finding the same?

It’s like the really low lows give birth to some crazy high highs you never considered possible.

That’s how it’s been for me, and I would love to hear yours too.

This is a short one today, and I seem to be missing my target of getting these out on Friday’s. Apologies to my regulars for the delay. Maybe the extra day is worth the wait? I will still aim for Friday’s, I feel like sometimes also on a Friday I don’t know what to say and overnight I get a good idea. That’s what happened this week and I happen to also be able to share the joy with you that everyone else is feeling too.

See you next week and congratulations America, I can feel your relief and I cried when I heard the news.

Lumiere 2020