Something different, a BW photo story.

In 2016 I visited friends in Florida at the time share and I shot quite a few rolls of BW film. I haven’t ever published that project and I wanted to share it here now.

I spent some time looking at the images I have stored on my phone today and feel like I may start posting them here and to my social media feeds because a lot of them have never seen the light of day.

When I have a camera in my hand and I see something that sparks my interest I make a picture and I don’t alway share that with you because it doesn’t fit what I have shot before or what I am showing in my feeds.

It is time to be seen, for all of my angles.


Gio, in studio, diptichs.

Had a fun Sunday shoot with Gio from Key Models and was feeling kinda diptich-ish so I made these.

Let me know what you think.

Photo Vogue Feature

This image was shot on 120mm film using a Bronica Zenzia medium format camera, in the studio with natural light.

Jayda sits in repose with her back to the camera in a pair of wool trousers holding her chest. The image is symbolizing the stillness and movement that is hidden inside each moment. Each piece of us has a still and a mobile part and to acknowledge that is to accept being human.

This is Jayda, in repose, on film for Photo Vogue.

Lost at Sea

Lauren, in the ocean on film and in digital too. Sometimes we have to get lost in order to be found again. To let lost we go to the sea and drift, let the water flow into our ears and onto our skin to block out the noise all around. We listen to the sea and we let it fill in the blanks.

And then we move forward, again and again.

Capture 2022 with Beau photo, Closer.


Join us for a photo walk and investigate the details around you. Try lenses from the rental department with the digital group, or a roll of ILFORD film for your camera with the analogue crowd. Each group will walk from Beau, and for about 90 mins, observe our surroundings and photograph the details that interest us. We will be available to give you shooting tips and to provide inspiration. Even being able to have everyone participating together brings us all closer. After the official walk, you can continue on your own to explore the things and people you want to keep close to.

Each photographer will have one image selected for printing on ILFORD Gallerie paper that will be displayed in an exhibition at the shop.

Space is limited to 10 people per group so we will select 10 participants for the digital group and 10 for the film group by lottery. Walks will follow all provincial health orders in place at the time of the event and the format of the walk may need to be adjusted according to the current guidelines.

The exhibition will be on view in the Beau Photo gallery space from April 24 to May 28, 2022.

We will also publish an online gallery in this space with more of the images from the walks.

Register here:

I was on my own after winning a spot in the analogue lottery. I choose a roll of 120 mm film and choose to photograph those I want to get closer to. Connections I want to cement, to get closer. Not in a romantic way, in a way that creates an authentic connection.

The image that was selected is the first one on the roll. I hope to see you at the show.

Studio images from this past week.

This week we had a couple of amazing shots. One was a creative where we did 6 looks outside and I also worked in the studio twice. One day creating footage for my Skillshare course and the second with a model.

With the outside shoot, I worked with an amazing stylist and makeup artist. The model was fantastic and we had the sun in the sky for the whole time which was really great.

I have been thinking a lot about intention lately, what are the intentions behind these shoots.

When I press my finger on the shutter button of my camera it is important for me to be connected to why. The intention of the shoot is key because at the end of the day you hope your message will be portrayed to the viewer. The intention is there, behind every image, every click, every photoshopped edited final, every batch I upload to my Flickr page, there are so many steps and each one has such a specific intention and I find myself reminding myself of that in the recent days.

Do you think about your intentions? Have you read the power of why?

This week on Instagram I decided to share product images. I love denim, I can’t really tell you how much I do, I just do and I have often thought about why and as of yet I do not have an answer. I will, at some point, but for now I just let the love be.

The love of the shapes, feeling and wearing of denim gives me so much inspiration to draw my lines. The continuous lines replicate the intricate patterns that create these garments.

What is inspiring you this week?