Taking photos at a safe social distance.

Taking photos at a safe social distance.

I have been inspired by a photographer who has published many editorials with the New York Times.

This photographer considered the fact that they may never shoot another subject face to face again.

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Re-opening, I'm calling it opening up.

We are coming to the other side of quarantine and I’m feeling like we were in a bubble for a very long time.

I went to my dance class and then to dinner and double feature in the theatre on March 14.

A day later we were being asked to not go anywhere unless we needed too.

Now, almost 12 weeks later we are able to move around in the world more freely.

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Illustrating my Images

I had an idea one day and it found me digging out a rubbermaid container of art supplies I hadn't touched in years. I have fond memories of my Dad working as a carpenter with the school board and bringing me art supplies at the end of every term. Paints and oil pastels that would be discarded because the next term would bring a new budget and new students expecting fresh supplies to accompany their fresh ideas.

This container I unearthed has all of those remnants and more. They are newer and different yet feel the same on the inside as I use them to scroll on paper.  I organized the items and pulled what I needed to start to draw. Later that day I put out my recycling and found the contents of an unused sketchbook sitting atop of the paper bin. I was set. I started with the idea of continuous line drawings from inspiration I found on Pinterest. I started with magazine tear sheets, I have hundreds. I use them as inspiration for my editorial photo shoots. Something felt off using someone else's work so I asked a good friend what they thought of my idea and drawings. They suggested using my own photographs instead. 

This is the result.

Uploaded by deanna flinn on 2017-12-03.

BTS of my promo with Antonio Cordero

Antonio reached out to me through Instagram asking if I would be interested in making a promo video with him. Of course I said YES! It was perfect timing and I could tell right away he was serious about it. Our first meeting was scheduled during an editorial I was shooting for Spring. He was early and not feeling well but didn't want to cancel. 

He got the lay of the land in my live work studio and showed me an example of what he was thinking, I was in. He excused himself and we made plans to meet the next week for my next shoot day. 

He came prepared, story board, questions, quick and easy gear to set up and he's very personable. I'd give him a reference any day. 

We have one more shoot together before we cut the final in the mean time here is the BTS video he created on the day.