Illustrating my Images

I had an idea one day and it found me digging out a rubbermaid container of art supplies I hadn't touched in years. I have fond memories of my Dad working as a carpenter with the school board and bringing me art supplies at the end of every term. Paints and oil pastels that would be discarded because the next term would bring a new budget and new students expecting fresh supplies to accompany their fresh ideas.

This container I unearthed has all of those remnants and more. They are newer and different yet feel the same on the inside as I use them to scroll on paper.  I organized the items and pulled what I needed to start to draw. Later that day I put out my recycling and found the contents of an unused sketchbook sitting atop of the paper bin. I was set. I started with the idea of continuous line drawings from inspiration I found on Pinterest. I started with magazine tear sheets, I have hundreds. I use them as inspiration for my editorial photo shoots. Something felt off using someone else's work so I asked a good friend what they thought of my idea and drawings. They suggested using my own photographs instead. 

This is the result.

Uploaded by deanna flinn on 2017-12-03.