This week, we discovered Reels.

Ok, so maybe I’m new to this and maybe I am not even doing it right but I have been making reels.

This week I concentrated on making BTS reels. People often ask about how a shoot comes together and I hope these little vignettes give you some idea of how it’s possible.

The only thing I wish Instagram would do is enable you to export them so I can share them here too.

A post without images is just kinda meh, so here’s a collection from one of the reels I made of Victoria, shot in the studio at Doris with the amazing Lexi styling the whole thing adding in her handmade jewelry too.

Documenting my walks during COVID 19

I’m getting out every day for a minimum of 10 thousand steps. When I leave the house I sling my camera over my shoulder and make sure I have a charged battery and a rough idea of the exposure I can use on my walk.

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Double exposure iPhone images printed on 13x19 glossy Moab Paper

Bespoke 13x19 Glossy Moab single-sheet prints of images created with Free Admission Photography’s iPhone XR with an app called Dubble. You add your photo in the app and choose what one that you want to be combined with. Anyone with the app can add a photo and choose one they like to combine with. You create a custom double exposure with someone on the other side of the world. I created these based on colours and subjects.

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