I made an ETSY Shop

Well, I had a student for two weeks and they did all of the hard work. So shout out to Fernanda, thank you for all you did to get this going. It’s actually pretty fabulous and there will be more to add to it come mid-May.

I have some new products coming I can’t wait to share with you…. So please standby.

Etsy was a suggestion after a consult with Penny Lane Shen and I kyboshed it because I have a store here, on my site. I like the Etsy interface though, the detail, the community, and the marketing that is possible with the site.

I also have lots of help with my merch, I have a fantastic seamstress who is up for making pretty much anything. Sammie Tran, you are awesome and I really appreciate your contribution to my line.

I also had a lot of help with the Etsy site, as I mentioned above. I had a student for a couple of weeks during this strange time (COVID 19 Quarantine). Fernanda S., a student who had work experience lined up at the end of her Design Program. That went away when we all had to stay at home. A good friend of mine had Fernanda as a student and asked me if I could use a student for a couple of weeks. My eyes lit up, of course, I said. The Etsy shop was born as a result and I’m over the moon with it, I really like it.

Take a look!

Free Admission Design on Etsy

Free Admission Design on Etsy