Let's look back at 2021

Wow, what a year eh. So many ups and downs and not knowing what the next few years will bring has made us all a little on edge.

One thing got me through and I want to share it with you because maybe it will help you too. Hope.

I have always had hope, some weird form of faith because of how things have turned out for me, I always have hope. Call it blind faith, call it silly but I managed to pull through this crazy time and come out on the other side with more of it. Strange, I know but that’s me I’m a little eccentric anyway so that’s half the fun of waking up every day for me.

I wanted to recap some highlights from the past year here and maybe it will give you enough juice to take a look at your year and find some of your own for your highlight reel. I would love to see yours too.

I was published in Vogue Italia 8 times.

I began working commercially with brands providing social media content.

I found studio space.

I made a portrait project in Tofino

I created a lookbook of my merch with the help of a magnificent team.

I finished a year-long photo and word project.

And I reached out to you consistently for 52 weeks.

Thank you for being here, I really appreciate it. I wish you and yours a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2022.

It snowed.

Vancouver photographer spots snow on a morning walk along the seawall. The West Coast is experiencing some colder temperatures and the occasional snowflake flies. Captured by Deanna Flinn of Free Admission Photography.

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