It snowed.

Seriously, that’s kind of a big deal here in the lower mainland of Vancouver. It happens all the time in the mountains but not here, in the city and people go a little crazy. They stay home, they don’t drive and they buy a lot more food to keep themselves fed for a few days, ad a pandemic to that and you have a bit more chaos than your average winter.

Maybe it’s weird to blog about this but to be honest it is kind of the dead of winter and there is not much going on. I am working on some big projects and until they begin to fruit I’m happy to let them grow and keep them under the soil.

I thought it might be fun to share some ‘snow’ photos from my daily walks because I find snow in Vancouver a little weird, or even a little funny. Growing up on the East Coast this isn’t really winter but it is winter here in Vancouver and it is worth noticing how everyone reacts.

My apartment is cold, the building was built 60 years ago and I have single-pane windows. I am using my oven to warm the chill in my space and I’m sleeping in a second-hand red cashmere robe - on top of my regular pj’s.

So I just wanted to share with you how things are going here on the West Coast during our soft lockdown with snow.