Newsletter #3

Lucky number 3.

Here we go.

September has been full of so many wonderful things and there is one really cool thing I want to share because it is you, my community that is making this possible.

I got a grant to do a mural and I have used that grant to involve my community.

I am asking my community to draw their face with their eyes closed with 1 continuous line.

Everyone that I have asked resists saying they can’t draw. That’s ok I say, you just need to have fun. Everyone that has taken part giggles the entire time they are doing it and it is bringing me so much joy.

These images I will use to project onto panels and installed at a neighbourhood house a few blocks from my apartment.

So far I have over 30 drawings, and a belly full of giggles from each person who is drawing their portrait to be a part of the mural.

If you want to participate please email me, I would love to include your face and hear about how you giggled the whole time

How has September been for you?