I got a grant to do a mural

A day late with the blog because we went kayaking at Stave Lake. And it was beautiful.

I applied to do a grant at Gordon House, kind of on a whim and I got it!!!!

I kinda still can’t believe it.

The idea I created for this mural is for the participants to draw their faces with 1 line with their eyes closed.

Here are my examples I did of my face

I will paint the panels black and use white ink to create contrast and show how 1 line connects all of us.

The cool thing about my neighbourhood is that people say Hi, they stop, they talk, they engage and they see how you are in an authentic way. I have worked at a local coffee shop for a couple of years and am now working as a hostess/busser at one of the oldest hotels, just around the corner from that coffee shop. Both have been around for over 25 years and patrons who have visited since the beginning.

I pitched the idea of the mural to show how we are all connected, we all have 1 line that connects us.

We are human and I am so excited to get this project off the ground.

So far I have collected over 35 Portraits so far.

I will capture the process of purchasing the panels and projecting the portraits as I paint them.

If you want to take part please email me your portrait and I will include your face.


Everyone says ‘I can’t draw’, but the truth is you can and when you try you will giggle the entire time.