The Mural is Real!

The mural is real. I did it.

And I still kinda can’t believe it came together so quickly and easily.

I did lots of prep and packed my bag of tools two days ahead of time. Paint, a plastic bag, paint brushes, markers, a plastic bag, my projector, my big drawing I did as practice, my small drawing to use inside my analog projector.

I did a lot of research, I went to Home Depot with the brand and type of paint needed in hand. Those retired Dad’s can be a force to be reckoned with if you don’t know what you need. So I knew, and the man who helped me at the paint counter was great, I asked him a million questions and he answered every one with ease. He even sold me my back up plan, a small pot of paint for $4 to use with a paintbrush. The same brand I got for the background in Limousine black, I got a white that would step in when I need it. If I am unable to find a fine point marker that I can use.

I felt good with the supplies I had, the cool guy at the paint counter actually even recommended I use a special roller because the wall is painted brick and there will be a lot of holes and it was very inexpensive. So, yeah I got that too.

I took the supplies to Beau and created the background with some painters tape and my Limousine black exterior semi-gloss paint. It only took a few minutes and then I went home to prep some more.

During the next day, I had a heap of errands to run, one was to explore graffiti markers, I checked out Opus, asking a million questions, and then I went to my favourite record store that happens to sell the pens. Again I asked a million questions and the guy who knew the answers pushed aside the new guy and helped me. It was good.

I did it freehand. I was ready with a drawing and an analog projector. I had done two mini practice runs on butcher paper and then I did a full-size practice run but turning the paper longways. I have drawn this camera many, many times but wanted the assurance of using the projector.

Turns out you can’t really use a projector when the sun is out. So I freehanded it, and it felt really good.

Shawn helped me, Beau Photo’s trusty shipping guy, who is also a friend I took a class with a few years back. He uses my first initial when he’s addressing me and I’m just fine with that. That is usually reserved for family, he’s almost like it. We tried to block out the sun so I could use the projector, but we just ended up spilling in the sunlight over the top. We blocked a bit of that out and I knew I had to freehand, I tested my carpenter’s pencil on the limousine black and it worked. So I drew, by hand, I had the mock-up I created in Photoshop so I had a makeshift grid to use. So I used it.

I did it and now I can’t wait to do more!