Wall Vinyl

Did you know I do wall vinyl too?
Inspired by the many illustrators I follow I decided to give it a try.

As soon as I had the idea I reached out to Sabrina who runs L’Atelier Co-Working space to see if she would be interested in hosting the first piece. Voila!

Even made it a section on this here website of mine. So you can see more details here

Here’s a video the very talented Antonio Cordero did of the installation, we had a lot of fun filming this.

Wall Vinyl install at L’Atelier Co-Working space. The video tells the story of the image. I created the continuous line drawing from a photo I took at Gallery Gachet. I was there for an exhibition called ‘The inmates run the asylum’ a re-creation of the living room of the first mental health facility to support the downtown eastside.

Do you have a space that needs some new artwork or rotation of artwork?

I have a library of drawings that you can choose from or I can create a custom image to support the culture of your space. Reach out and lets design and decorate your space with some incredible removable wall vinyl.