Neon & Kathrin & Egbert, a family documentary shoot and along comes Rio

I have known Kathrin and Egbert since Neon was in Kathrin’s belly. Probably even as he was just an idea.

Rio landed in July and he’s perfect. He’s a lot different from his brother and that’s quite alright.

I took a year and a half off from shooting regularly because I had some health issues and a string of deaths in my family so I worked at a coffee shop. Turns out it was the best job I have ever had, other than being a photographer-which is pretty damn great. I choose to work at a local coffee shop just around the corner from my house that has been there for 25 years and has had the same customers for that time. 

We got to know everyone and even now almost a year after I have left I see people in my community that I served coffee too and they say hi to me and I always smile and say hi back. Sometimes I even say hi first.

Connection, it’s why I do what I do and I never thought this job that got me over this huge hump in my life was going to give me so many lessons in connection. This job gave me so much, I highly recommend everyone having a job like this because it will give you an education in humanity that you will never experience anywhere else.

Back to Kathrin and Egbert, they hug you and smile at you every time they see you.

I know what Kathrin and Egbert order when they visit the cafe, and I know that they like extra sauce for their wraps and that they always come with the same friends. They also like to sit outside in the sunshine every time. And they are the kindest people I have ever met, they are always so welcoming. 

It’s difficult to see them during the time of COVID 19 because we can’t touch and I love their hugs and energy so much.

When I started to ask families if I could document a day in their life or a few hours they were first on my list.

We run into each other all the time so after a few hellos on the street they were in and I was over the moon excited.

Kathrin has another baby due in June and we are all hoping she has the chance to have a normal delivery.

A few months after Neon was born Kathrin lost her Mom, and it was a trying time for her because Neon was also having some health challenges. On top of being a new mom and figuring out how to take on this new chapter, she had to deal with this great loss. Yet I never see them not smiling, both of them are people who light up every room, even the street corner.

This is what Kathrin had to say about our session. I met them at 9 in the morning and spent about an hour and a half with them documenting that small glimpse of their day. As a thank you for them letting me into their home to take these images I printed all of their selects. I shared all of the jpg’s with them in a Dropbox folder and asked for their fav’s, they first choose 100 and then came back with a top 35.

The photo session was very casual and spontaneous and we felt at ease after two minutes : )
Deanne’s positive attitude and professional, playful handling of the camera and the changing situations with our son where phenomenal. We flowed through the morning with her and the results are beautifully captured moments of our family live putting our one-year-old son in the center.

We loved the documentary style which we felt suits our life much better than traditionally staged family pictures. 

Thank you very much, Neon & Kathrin & Egbert