Snippets. A peek into the last 10 days or so.


It has been an exciting time, yet challenging too. Trying to find ways to carry on knowing that there is so much going on in the world has been tough for me. So with that realization, I have been trying to go a bit easier on myself. I have scaled back my hustle and am getting more rest. I am just giving myself some time, to feel myself. I hope you are doing the same.

In the meantime, I wanted to share some photos with you of the past 10 days or so.

I inspired myself with a new way to edit photos with my phone and thought about showing it to you. With that, I wanted to share more photos too.

So here we go.

The first four images are from a broken window I passed by. I grabbed a few photos and later I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to use in my story so I was holding them side by side on my screen and thought, hey, why don’t I grab a screenshot of this. So I took a screenshot that featured a section of each image. And then I kept doing that. I love it, so fun. Try it. You have to put your thumb near the + volume button on your phone and your index finger near the button you use to shut your phone off. Those two pressed at the same time make a screenshot. You need to hold the images on the screen that you want to screenshot, I do this with my thumb. Ta-Da! You have to go back in later and crop, that adds to the creativity because you can choose what section you want to crop too.

Next, there are a couple of drawings from a mural I will be creating. Can you guess who it is for?

Then we have coffee with a friend. The cups and table were so wonderfully read I grabbed a couple of shots with my phone and then later tried my screenshot technique and got a nice blend of each shot. I love the graphics of this coffee cup.

Next, we have some support for Ukraine popping up around my neighbourhood. I saw a man on the bus with a lapel pin made of ribbon featuring the flag’s colours. I was thinking that Putin has a small penis, if his health is failing and this is the only way he can think of to make a mark on the world WTF?! Just STOP.

Next, we have some more mural practice from my living space. I use old backdrop paper to practice drawing.

And then we have a photo with Jagmeet Singh and his new baby girl. He is the leader of the NDP party. I believe in the work he is doing so when I spotted him I asked my friend if she would want a photo with him. She said, of course, so away we went and I asked as soon as I could get his attention. His brother took it for us, I wanted one of just him but he wanted one of us, so we got this. An awkward selfie, my friend and I laughed about it and chatted about it for the next few blocks we walked. What are the odds?!

Next, we have the images I used in my Instagram posts this week, featuring Alex in Doris Land. You can see the whole photo set here

Next, we have a book I just finished that I highly recommend. I read it in a day, so good. Remember Tuesday’s with Mory? Same author, brilliant writer.

Next up we have some snaps of walking around with my camera in my hand, flowers are blooming, some are falling to the ground and others are being documented with paint.

Next, is a scene from me grabbing coffee solo reading one of my favourite books. I just found this book and it has quickly become my favourite. Get a copy, if you are an artist of any kind this book with inspire you, promise. I took one photo featuring my mask, and one without. Restrictions are lifted here now for mask-wearing, I am still wearing mine in public places. It just feels like the right thing to do.

Next, we have a series of images from an exhibition featuring found objects from the beach. Each sculpture took 6 months to make, by hand. Each piece is attached to mesh and the mesh is folded and moulded to create the shape. The exhibition was incredible to see. I kept pointing out objects in awe of the fact that it was found on the beach. If you are in Vancouver, go and see it. It is called Washed Ashore at Metrotown.

Finally, we have the wonderful war protestor interrupting a new broadcast, risking her life to get the word out to the Russian people about the war in Ukraine. They are not being told the truth, such a brave being.

How have your 10 days been? Would love to hear from you too.

I will leave you with this.

If you feel like having some fun and meeting a new neighbour, drop by, say Hi. Grab some chalk and draw.

This is an event created from my third neighbourhood small grant and I would love to see you there.