Party on the Pavement, a huge success.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We had a great time and I am so grateful to everyone who came and to the Neighbourhood Small Grants who made this event possible.

Smiles were made, inner artists seeped out, chalk was a vehicle for this event and for the people who choose to take a piece and give it a try.

We stood at Davie and Bute Street at the Rainbow on the sidewalk and handed out chalk to passersby’s and some said yes, some said no, some had fun and some had to go. Katie, a dear friend of mine came out to be with me on the day and I am so happy she was there because she helped me work the crowd and later her son and husband came by to make their drawings too.

Photos can be found here

Here’s to making it a yearly event, I have chalk leftover and some balloons ready too.