It has been a big week.

I hung a show at Makeshift Co-working space on March 1.

I was connected to Monique at Makeshift through a friend. I had an idea for a future project and reached out. When I did she asked me if I wanted to have a show, and of course, I said YES!

The space is so big I brought 3 different types of work and was able to feature all of them.

They are unframed so I used stainless steel clips with tac to hang them. I also had some help from a friend with organizing and hanging them. I got the prints ready on the giant boardroom table, we decided which group would go where and I handed over the arranging. It turned out great.

I am featuring a series of my continuous line drawings printed on 9x13 matte archival paper.

My Capture 2018 show was printed with a London Drugs print grant on 11x14 matte Epson archival paper.

The final series is one I printed myself on semi-gloss Moab 11x14 paper. A series of double exposures printed as diptychs created from an app called Dubble. Sadly the app is no longer around, I loved it when it was here and made many images with it. You combined your image with someone else’s from somewhere else in the world. It truly was a brilliant way to collaborate, share your work and make some really incredible new images. You can see the series I created here

And if you want a print of any of them or a combination like I have hung at Makeshift please reach out. I will print it myself at the self-serve print station at Beau Photo.

On March 2 I found out I was accepted into the Luupe Community.

I copied the following text straight from their website, and what they don’t mention here is that it is entirely a community made up of women. From all over the world. I am thrilled to become a part of this community.

Why The Luupe?

We are building the future of content creation with ease, equity, and visual power. We partner with the world's best photographers to produce exceptional content for marketing, advertising, and social media projects of every scale. Let's make something great together.

If you need me I will be over here doing the happy dance celebrating these amazing events.

Happy Friday!