A new Skillshare course is Live!

So a bit of time ran away from me in September, but here is my class for October.

Creating a photo story.

Here are the 10 tips featured in the class, sign up to take it and get the lesson’s one by one at your convenience.

All you need for this course is a way to take photos and a willingness to create a project over a long period of time. You choose your story and the length of time you are going to give it. The best stories have a beginning, middle, and an end and are captured over time.

10 tips to get your photo story started.

1. Choose your topic.

2. Create a shot list and plan your story.

3. Find a way to integrate your photo story into your everyday life.

4. Identify a consistent and cohesive style.

5. Grow the project by shooting for specific results using your shot list.

6. Shoot over a longer period of time to develop your story.

7. Be consistent with your post-production.

8. Create photo captions.

9. EDIT, EDIT, EDIT, EDIT your story so you have a cohesive beginning, middle, and end. Ask an audience if they can take a look and see if they see the story you were intending.

10. Share your story, consider giving your photo story its own hashtag and Instagram account so you can monitor engagement.

You can find the class here, there are 2 months free available to you if you sign up for a subscription.

Let me know what you think of the class and if you have one in mind let me know.

I’m making a new one each month, and it would be great to have you along for this learning journey.

A big thank you goes to Jake H for editing this class together for me, thanks for all of the work you put into it Jake, we all really appreciate it.

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