July 1

A birthday for Canada, mine is in 4 days and a lot of mixed feelings.

June saw the overturning of Roe v Wade and a conceal carry gun law be enforced in the US.

Here in Canada we are still learning so much about the residential schools and the 60’s scoop.

I have been reading and doing my best to become an ally. It is really hard to wrap your head around where the world is right now, it’s hard to feel a part of it, hard to know where your community fits.

I feel like we need to trust each other again, see the good, believe in the good, random acts of kindness go a long way. Holding a door, offering a smile, showing some kind of acceptance of each other is something I want to celebrate other than the birth of this nation.

People are hurting as a nation and we are knee deep in climate change.

I spend my days looking for the helpers and doing my best to be one.

Fred Rogers said that, when you are in times of crisis look for the helpers.

Find a way to be one too, we are all in this together.

Party on the Pavement is happening! Sept 6th 1-3 pm Bute Street Plaza

You coming?

When was the last time you drew with chalk on the pavement?

Chalk, hand sanitizer, ballons and fun are supplied.

This event is made possible by neighbourhood small grants, without them I would not be engaging in the community like this and I am so happy to have the opportunity to celebrate coming out of a dark time.

Please drop by anytime between 12-3 pm on Monday, Sept 6th at Bute Plaza at Davie Street.

Let the balloons lead the way.

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