
When I was in college studying photography, my first year was all of the basics and we used black and white film. We would get our assignments on Monday and they were due on Friday, Wednesday’s we would have our critique. The school was in the middle of town and there was always something around to photograph as we completed those assignments. Then when we moved on to our studio module we would photograph each other.

The second year was digital using Polaroid images and film then we scanned the images into the computer and used photoshop to manipulate the images. We designed websites and used early forms of email and chat to communicate with each other.

Watching your discipline change and grow for the past two decades is kind of crazy, mind-blowing even.

I started using Flickr over two decades ago as a second backup for my images, I have over 300,000 images on there now and they are a living record of how my practice has changed and evolved over time.

I am so grateful to photography, it has given me so much, and it continues to. I have been so blessed, to find what you love and to make it your career is a true blessing. I wish this to everyone reading this.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams won’t come true. They are yours to do with as you please and the world becomes an incredible place when you have the courage to stand by them no matter what.