At any age.

Worked with an amazing friend who just happens to be a model this past week in the studio with another friend who is an amazing make-up artist. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing women. I know I am overusing the word amazing but it is truly how I feel.

Deb Braun and Maxine Munson I am so grateful to have you both in my life.

We wanted to do a creative photoshoot that featured something out of the ordinary that we don’t see very often. We are now seeing more diversity in campaigns but we are still a far stretch from where we need to be. This series is a way to pave that road and the three of us all contributed to creating these images which is another way to give a nod to where we want to see the industry go. We want to see and feel the intention and collaboration in the creation. I hope you can see and feel that with this series.