Montreal, a bit of magic over 7 days.

So I had a wonderful time. The flight was two hours late so I stayed in a hostel my first night there, I had the reservation in my pocket just in case I needed a place to stay. When I got up the next day after a few hours of sleep I got coffee for us and walked to my friend’s door. It took her a minute to answer the door. There was a huge staircase and I left my suitcase and coffee at the top after ringing the bell and waited at the bottom.

I sent a text just in case she didn’t hear the doorbell because she was in the shower but she was just waking up and trying to get her head around the day so she hesitated in answering the door. When she did I ran up the stairs, offered her the coffee and then we hugged and cried for a while. It was the best time I have ever had on a vacation, none of it was planned, and it was an entire 7 days of magic.

I had a scooter tour with a friend, went to the art gallery and spent the afternoon that included live performance. I walked so much that the souls of my shoes are a little smaller. I had a gourmet meal, found a co-working and co-living space that welcomed me with open arms, we spent hours talking while I visited for the 7 days, I learned how to take the metro and the bus, I met so many amazing people, drank champagne, took a heap of photos, worked a bit, relaxed, found some great things for my friend’s new apartment, learned about the local mural artists, spent time in a park, hiked Mt. Royal, sweated in 30-degree heat, spoke as much french as I could and was welcomed in English when I couldn’t manage, slept in, did yoga and ate really good food. There is more and as soon as I remember it all I will tell you.

Montreal, I am in love.