Finding facts.

During a time of crisis, it can be hard to find out what is exactly going on. It is important to check your source and know that the content is accurate, timely and true. You can check metadata, every digital file has a time stamp. There are many credible news sources out there and you need to find one that works for you.

Here is some information I have been gathering. If it is helpful for you, that is amazing, if not no worries.

All I ask in return is that you share here what is helpful for you in the comments.

Here are some key points of information that are useful for me.

Ukraine, a country located in eastern Europe, is the second-largest on the continent after Russia.

The capital is Kyiv (Kiev), located on the Dnieper River in north-central Ukraine.

A fully independent Ukraine emerged only late in the 20th century, after long periods of successive domination by Poland-Lithuania, Russia, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Ukraine had experienced a brief period of independence in 1918–20, but portions of western Ukraine were ruled by Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia in the period between the two World Wars, and Ukraine thereafter became part of the Soviet Union as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (S.S.R.). When the Soviet Union began to unravel in 1990–91, the legislature of the Ukrainian S.S.R. declared sovereignty (July 16, 1990) and then outright independence (August 24, 1991), a move that was confirmed by popular approval in a plebiscite (December 1, 1991). With the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. in December 1991, Ukraine gained full independence. The country changed its official name to Ukraine, and it helped to found the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), an association of countries that were formerly republics of the Soviet Union.

President: Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Area: 603,548 km²

Founded: August 24, 1991

Population: 44.13 million (2020) World Bank

Official language: Ukrainian

For me the major news outlets are key.




Then I look to a couple of other sources in photojournalism because photos can tell an entire story.



It is also important to help any way you can, that begins with your everyday routine. If you see someone struggling to find their way on the street or maybe they look confused on the bus, ask if they need some help. I do this all the time. You might think it’s strange or weird but you have no idea how much relief it can provide. For those few moments, someone will not feel so alone and remember we are all here to care for one another.

Fred Rogers always taught the children that in a time of crisis there will always be helpers, so look for the helpers. That is the opportunity we have now, to be helpers, in any way we can. Help someone else know that they are not alone and do what you can to help. It is why we are here, we are meant to connect, to create community and to extend ourselves beyond our bubble.