A Neighbourhood Small Grant, a silk screen workshop with Blim and a second vaccine.

It has been an exciting week, it started with a bang! Well kinda, I got an email at 12:02 am Tuesday morning. How was I reading my email at that time you might ask? I work a serving gig a few nights a week and we get home late sometimes. I wind down in a lot of different ways, first stop my email to catch up with anyone who might have reached out.

Thank you for applying to the Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) program. 
Every year, a committee of neighbours reviews all of the NSG applications to ensure that projects meet our program goals. The Committee greatly enjoyed the creativity in your application, and loved your project idea! 
On behalf of the Neighbourhood Granting Committee, I am pleased to inform you that your project was awarded funding!

I can’t wait to share the project with you, right now I am in the process of pulling together the location and the date. As soon as I have a poster to share you will find it here.

And then, the week got even better.

Then I learned how to silk screen with the fabulous people at Blim, so fun. I was able to take a course, buy the supplies and bring my own shirts to screen on and pay for studio time. The set up is perfect and any question I had was answered with ease.

The screen I choose to make is from my latest grouping of drawings, moving away from using my photos and carrying the continuous line into what feels good as I move my pen across the page. I am using the exercise of drawing a self portrait with your eyes closed and inspiration from other illustrators to make these new drawings. I am filling pages in a sketchbook with practice day after day and it is a practice I am really enjoying seeing develop. One I could see going BIG as a community based Mural to. Let’s see what we can do.

The week rounded out with my second shot, my first was AstraZeneca and my second one is Moderna.

How was your week?