A mural at Makeshift co-working space.

I reached out to Makeshift when I wrote my pivot grant back in January asking if they would be interested in a mural. They were! So I made my way over there to meet Monique, with a caveat, did I want a show for the month of March. Of course, I did. So when I went to meet her for the very first time I brought my ready to hang the show with me and a friend to help.

When I went back in April to take my show down I suggested the mural again, we stood in front of the main wall in the middle of the space and talked about what it could look like.

Not one for waiting or a lot of patience I saved up some tip money from my hostessing job (3 shifts a week) and headed to Home Depot with my idea. If you build it they will come.

I pitched the idea of a community mural celebrating Pride, LGTBQ, and that everyone is welcome in the space. Monique loved the idea, cleared it with her business partner and I got to work. This space is an easy one to be in, so bright, comfortable and welcoming. Co-working is something that is important to me because the feeling of community and belonging is important to me. You have both with Makeshift.

Still no word on the grant but as soon as I do hear you guys will be the first to know.

Here are some images from that amazing mural I created at Makeshift. Go see it for yourself, I would love to know what you think.

The final image in this series is one I created as a practice. I drew the faces on a piece of painter’s canvass primed with some house paint to see how I was going to paint the faces and to see how long the process would take. I am speaking at a symposium next month and I will use this practice as my custom-made Zoom backdrop.