Opps, a day late with my blog post

It has been a busy time, and I’m glad to be catching up with you.

I am working on my first public art installation and I couldn’t be happier. I got a call mid-week last week from a wonderful artist I had an informational interview in the middle of the pandemic. And guess what, she has a dog too. Ashley, thank you for having this idea, for thinking of me and for reaching out. I can’t wait!!!

Also, we found Ashley’s dog’s belly button too. It’s right where she left it.

The idea behind the installation is to make chalk drawings of people on the pavement so we can create a virtual street party. We are not able to party in person right now so we are going to take it to the streets.

I have been practicing, and I can’t wait!!!

Here’s a sneak peek of what we created for the promo poster and to pitch to our local BIA.

Ashley making a photo for our promo poster.